There are several causes for a tooth having a black spot and its origin depends on whether the damage is external or internal. Unfortunately, no matter the reason, a black spot will need professional care to correct. External damage is the better of the two scenarios as these causes are […]

One of the common sleep disorders is the obstructive sleep apnoea (or simply OSA), which is caused by blocked airways during sleep. In essence, certain factors (like being overweight, having a large neck or excess fluid in your tissues) can cause your airways to be partially or even completely closed when you sleep. Visit to read more about sleep disorders and how a dental appliance can help.

Canker sores are non-contagious though painful ulcers that form either at the base of gums or on the soft tissue within the mouth. Since researchers increasingly suspect that canker sores are caused by a complex interaction between multiple factors, it logically follows that canker sore prevention should entail a similarly multi-factorial approach. It’s no longer new that a trip to the dentist is the main way to prevent oral disease. But sometimes, a canker sore prevention takes more than just that. Read on for some other ways to prevent canker sores.

tooth extraction refers to a procedure of removing a tooth from its socket. Like most other procedure, tooth extraction is not free of possible complications, so it’s extremely important for a patient to know proper tooth extraction aftercare in order to minimalize the chance of infection and to promote faster healing.

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