What is a dead tooth? Symptoms and signs to look out for

What are dead tooth symptoms? Many people do not think of teeth being “alive”, but they are. This article will talk about how to recognize a dead tooth, and what to do about it. If you need dental treatment for dead teeth, you can check out advice from a new dentist near Brighton le Sands. They provide treatment for dead teeth and any other dental issue you may have, read more about them through the link.

What are dead teeth?

A dead tooth is one that is no longer receiving blood. This happens when the pulp inside the tooth along with the nerves and veins become damaged and are no longer able to transport the blood to the tooth. The inner layer of the tooth is quite sensitive. If it becomes damaged because of decay or injury, it can cause an infection that can bring about the death of the nerve. 

Signs of a dead tooth

The first sign a person might notice in a dead tooth is discoloration. It may appear to be brown, gray or black. It will have a different shade or hue from the rest of the teeth. The person may also have pain or discomfort in their teeth and gums. On the other hand, some people do not feel pain when a tooth has died. Other noticeable signs may include bad breath, a foul taste in the mouth and swelling that is mostly around the gumline of the affected tooth. 

Treatment for dead teeth

A dentist can recommend two ways on how to treat a dead tooth. Depending on the damage of the tooth, a dentist can either do a root canal surgery or a tooth extraction.

Root canal. A root canal is done to save the dead tooth. The infected root pulp is removed and the outer shell of the original tooth is saved. After the nerves and pulp are removed, the tooth is filled.

Tooth extraction. If the damage to the tooth is too extensive, the dentist will recommend that the tooth be extracted. After the tooth extraction procedure, the patient will have options for tooth replacement, such as a dental implant or dental bridge.

Prevention tips

Although stopping a tooth from dying once it has already started may be almost impossible, there are ways to prevent a tooth from dying in the first place. 

dead tooth symptoms

Good habits for oral health. Good oral hygiene habits are an effective way to prevent tooth decay and the death of teeth. Brushing and flossing will make sure that there are no food particles leftover from previous meals that can cause cavities and tooth decay. 

See your dentist regularly. Visiting your dentist at least once or twice a year can also allow your dentist to monitor your overall oral health and prevent any oral issues from developing. 

Bruxism mouthguards. If you suffer from bruxism or teeth-grinding, you can ask your dentist about a mouthguard that can keep your teeth safe. 

Increase water intake. Drink lots of water to prevent any bacteria from forming in your mouth and wash away any food particles in between brushings.

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Effectiveness of a Dental Ad

Sun Dec 29 , 2019
All dental professionals know the importance of an effective dental ad. It serves as a foundation to their dental career. Without proper marketing, their practice is going to get them nowhere. Apply it with the right and effective strategy and you can bring in new patients to your clinic, plus you get to have returning clients as well. So, if you want to know the secrets of effective marketing, either <a href="https://www.mediboost.com.au/dental-implants-ad/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">follow this link here</a>, or continue reading this article.
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